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Merlot is undoubtedly one of the world’s most popular red wine varietals. Behind its popularity is its unmistakable cherry, chocolate and plum characters that makes the varietal ever-approachable. Nowadays, it’s the basis of most Bordeaux blends and is such a versatile variety, ranging from fruity, smooth quaffing expressions to full-bodied, sophisticated drops. Check out our range of merlot below.
Food Pairing

Taste and Common Flavours

Typical flavours associated with merlot include chocolate, ‘fruit-cake’, dark berries and fruits such as plums, blackberries and cherries, making it a particularly decadent varietal by nature. It also tends to be medium-bodied with low acidity. Merlot is often included in blends due to its softness and fruity flavours, but it also drinks well above its weight on its own.

Merlot Growing Regions

Original merlot plantings date back to the eighteenth century in the Bordeaux region of France. Nowadays, the largest merlot growing regions in New Zealand include Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne. Other top merlot growing regions include Bordeaux, South Australia and Italy.

Food Pairing

As merlot is generally more soft and plush than other varietals, it pairs well with roast chicken, stews or burgers. If you’re a cheese lover, we recommend pairing syrah with blue cheese for a winning combo!

How to store merlot

Keep your merlot in a space away from direct light and heat and in a relatively stable temperature environment.